Taquiera Guerita is a pop-up taco booth that invites users to frankly discuss immigration while enjoying free authentic Mexican food.
Right now more than ever there is a disconnect between U.S. citizens and Latinx people. Many U.S. citizens are unsure if Latinx people are legal U.S. citizens and this generates fear. Most people do not have the facts about immigration, but once they do, they are more open to having a discussion rather than shutting down completely.
I set up Taquiera Guerita and I gave away free tacos. The catch? With each taco came a fact about immigration in Iowa. People were also invited to interact with the immigration facts online.
Unfortunately, the booth was difficult to set up because of the electricity requirement, so after one attempt, I abandoned Taqueria Guerita. I also chose to abandon Taquiera Guerita because of the high potential for negative interactions with the public. I want my work to have a wholly positive impact.
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